Forming a new club

Forming a new club

Starting a new club in your area is no easy task, but here at the Maine ATV Coalition, we will try and provide you with the information and tools necessary to be successful.  The best place to start is right on the state of Maine website.  You can access the info by clicking below.

Take online payments

Its 2023.  Very few people pay with checks.  To be successful, you need to accept online payments.  Some may feel it's to hard to do or it's to complicated.  I promise, it's not.  Here is a  link to help you get set up with PayPal.  You will need your EIN number as well as your bank account information to get it set up.  I promise, it's not that bad to set up!  There are other online services that can help you accept payments online as well, so feel free to explore the options.  

Create a website

Make sure to create a website.  Creating a website on Google Sites is fairly easy.  It's a great spot to put donate buttons so people can easily donate to your club when they are out riding and enjoying the trails.  You can also put your member sign ups on your website so its easy for your membership to sign up or renew their memberships.  If you join Maine ATV Coalition, we will create a webpage for you in order to funnel people to your club that are looking to ride in your area. Below is a good video on how to create your own website on Google Sites.